What People Are Saying


 “My mom is going to be so surprised. I liked EVERYTHING here! I never eat vegetables at home.”

Columbia Borough Camper


“Edison had an amazing time. This morning he told me to throw my orange peel in the garden so that the worms can turn it into soil. Thank you!”

Danee Weiler
School District of Lancaster Parent


"I am so thankful for all of your work and for an amazing experience for my students. This experience is now impacting families' lives!"

Beckie Goss
Kindergarten Teacher


“Thank you so much for exposing my child to gardening! He asked for the lettuce and actually ate a bunch of it! I haven’t gotten him to eat greens in over a year!"

Parent of a student in Becky Goss’ class


“I have three elementary age children with different abilities and personalities, so it is difficult to find summer options that all three find fulfilling, but that riddle was solved this week as I listen to each child gush about the interesting, fun, and highly useful things they learned and did at the EC camp. I can’t imagine how they fit so many entertaining and educational activities into each day. One of my kids (the oldest) has autism and he is particularly hard to find a camp for. But the EC camp seems totally capable of keeping his attention and managing his quirks. Because my youngest also went through treatments for leukemia recently, all three kids have struggled through intense and emotional situations that have left them in need of healing experiences. There is nothing quite like digging in dirt, cooking food just plucked from the earth and crafting beautiful ornaments for the outdoors to fill that need.”

Katherine Kappers-Tramel
School District of Lancaster Parent


"Thank you for the time you spent with us in the school's garden. The students were clearly enjoying their time outside and were so excited to help with the garden! What I am MOST appreciative of (and SHOCKED by) was what I observed from those students who typically struggle with behavior and focus issues. To see these students be COMPLETELY engaged in a task with eagerness and a sense of wonder was amazing. I was awestruck to see the concentration of one particular student who was elbow-deep in pumpkin pulp while listening respectfully to every word and every instruction of your volunteer. What an eye-opening and wonderful experience for me as well!"

Stacey Brinkman
Penn Manor School District
Central Manor Elementary-Grade 6


“My daughter hatched her chrysalis and has decided to make her own butterfly garden. She has had such a change going to this camp.”

Keisha Negron
Columbia Borough Parent